Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Post That's Not in the Morning.

Yeah, I know, I just posted something this morning.
I can't really remember how late...early it was. All I do remember is that I haven't been to sleep, at all. Right before my Mother got me from my apartment to stay the night at her house, helping with the kids and some eye-doctors apointment, I had awoke from a nap that lasted maybe four to five hours. She got me around six, and I haven't slept since. It is now ten twenty six in the morning and I am awaiting for tweleve to strike the clock so I can get my new contacts and go back home.
Since I moved out I don't really feel welcome here anymore. My older sister, who still lives there but hopefully not for long, has already pushed my bed and dresser -which is all I left, and it contains a few outfits for whe I visit- into a corner of the room and threw all her shit on the floor where my space used to be. Other than that, just coming home...I mean to my Mother's house in general is odd, yet still the same.
My Step Father still works till about six and comes home to sit in the shed until God knows what time at night smoking crack or whatever else he can fit up his nose or inhale easily. And we just can't forget how many beer bottles find their way to the base of our tree's. My Mother is still in pain, as usual. With her bad neck, that she is getting surgery on soon, and still taking care of a four year old, a one year old and my mentally insane brother who is tweleve? I think. I'm not trying to be mean when I call him metally insane, that's just what his phychitryst (Excuse my spelling) told us. Other than that, nothing is different.
Other than the fact that I finally found a voice.
Say Goodnight to the Sun and the clouds,
Keep on Shining Until Tomarrow,

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Leaving me a message? Hell can't wait to read it. :]