Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Listening to the Rain and it Sounds a lot Like You.

Loud, but misunderstood.
Scary, but pleasant.
You've got your closest friends.
Thunder and Lightning.
But all they do is make you seem worse and worse with each storm.

Though I admit,
Sometimes it makes you more plesant to listen to,
Sometimes I can bare it,
But sometimes it makes me want to hide under my covers
To close my eyes
Until your gone.
Make sure you take them with you as well.

Just as I love the rainstorm,
I love you.
But what do you do
When the rainstorm is getting harder and harder
And the lightning gets brighter and brighter
Followed by the thunder getting louder and louder.
Does it not become to much to bare?
Does it not,
Make the voices in my head start screaming at me?

Well, they all do
And as usual
I am left with a headache
And a decision.
What's it going to be this time Essa?
Will you show the world you can tame the Lion?
Show the sky you can tame the clouds?
Prove to the streets you can change a whore?
Or run away from it all,
And go hide under your bedsheets again.

I was told to wait,
Be patient.
But not only have I been patient for a while,
But I am aslo im-patient.
Expecially when nothing is changing
But the screaming gets louder,
The arguments are more constant,
And words begin to mean nothing.
Soon enough the actions will mean nothing too,
And then what are we to do?

Come on children gather around,
We'll hide under the blankets together.


  1. Sometimes the quietest moments and the most persistent vision comes when the noise is the loudest and chaos is everywhere you turn.
    The only real world is the one you carry inside you where you stand at the velvet rope and decide who gets in and who waits outside in line.

  2. I actually find the most calming situations in the rainstorms. In this rainstorm though, which is describing a person I fear whole-heartedly, I do find fear. :/


Leaving me a message? Hell can't wait to read it. :]