Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'll never be famous.

I hope I never do become famous like that girl Julie from Julie/Julia. Sure, a few readers on Google can't hurt me. But for the love of me, don't tell your friends about me. I can be your little secret, but hopefully not the one you have to hide in a small black box under your bed so no one will notice how much of a fucking weirdo you are.
I don't want this blog to be all about me though. If your reading something, that you find similiar to yourself please tell me about it! I would love to hear your stories and how you went about them. I hope to not only entertain my readers, but know them as well. I can assure you that if you have posted a comment or are currently following me, I have seen your blog at least once, and not just as a pity look. I promise.
Anywho, how's about I tell you a tad bit of myself so maybe you can get an idea of what kind of girl who's shit your going to be reading for however long you plan to read for, if you have even made it to this point.
Some of my posts will be in poem formation, I can assure you that.
I love to write, and I hope that some day I become a poet, or a book author. That's one thing I would not mind being as famous as Steven King for. My lifetime goal although has nothing to do with a paying occupation -though oddly enough it can be turned into one-. It's to be a Mom. I don't care if the story starts out with, "I found the love of my life and years later we had our first love baby," or "Well one night I drank too much Jack Daniels for my own good and wound up with Jude here," It's still my dream.
To get to that dream, I have to get through so much more of my life first. A Husband/Fiance/Boyfriend is definitly not needed in the mix, but if it happens I guess it happens. Hell it might even make my plans a tad bit easier -and happier-.
I want to be on good terms with everyone. That does not mean that I want to be everyones friend, or I'm trying to be the most popular person alive. Simply I want no drama, no hatrerid and no bad vibes! This is all happiness here people, and I love it -Just because our lives are shit doesn't mean our moods have to be, right?-
Anyway, I feel like I'm boring you. I have music playing on my XBox and I think I'm going to continue playing Borderlands before my insomniac ass want's to go to bed. (Ew, gross. I just scratched open one ofthe cuts on my face and got blood in the water I was drinking. But hey, It's my own blood right?)
Would tell you how my day went because it wasn't intresting. So I'm going to let you go here, with a warning.

I won't be able to post often, I don't have too much access to the internet, if I even remember how to get to this website. And some days, I might bore the shit out of you. But in others, I could be the most entertaining thing you have. But remember my rule! Don't tell anyone about me! I don't want to be famous and I'm serious. I guess you can kind of call it a fear.

Keep on Shining until tomarrow,
Say goodnight to the Moon and Stars,

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