Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I,m texting this, please excuse the typo's

Still not sleeping well. My mother came down and we went to Target. It was supposed to be hang out time, like going to dinner or something, but she needed a few things and i went with her.
God I don't even know why i write this to you all. my life is average and i can assure you im not as smart as i sound. my big words are all i actually have, making them almost empty. i guess its for myself. i find it easier to type than write, and im getting quite tired of filling books and loosing them somewhere, or someone stealing it. hah, irony. now im savibg them the trouble of reading it to everypne by making this acess to everyone. but to those following me, thanks. i actually feel a tad bit special. expecially since its not too much followers, in which case i would debate on postibg anymore.
my roommate, jess, who is having a baby, celebrated her birthday sunday. we got icecream cake, balloons
i really hope this posts. her phone is being retarded on letting me comment back to you, twocent. but i promise when access to a computer comes aslong i will explain the poem. but right now my fingers are starting to hurt, so here i cut you off with not even a quarter of an update.
keep on shining until tomarrow1.


  1. FTRRTF, everyone is special but there are so many people in the world that we all go unseen most of the time. When someone notices it feels good. I write in my blog because it is theraputic and even if no one reads it I believe the Universe still knows that I had something to say. Plus, like most people I like the sound of my own voice and the words that I write so I guess I pretty much write for myself. I have found that the blogs I read are from ordinary people who seem to be extraordinary in the way they live their average lives. We are all average 99.99% of us and so we should revel in our averageness!

  2. @half cent: I love to write, I think the real purpose of this blog was so that I can be able to have something for my poor ass memory to remember, and not have to cramp my fingers by writing too much. Besides, the lump on my middle finger from using a school pencil too much is really starting to bug me.
    I really appreciate knowing that someone is reading, and can semi understand where I am coming from, or at least what i am trying to portray. I don't understand my fear of being too-known myself though.
    I am the .01% that is not average. Then again everyone who isn't average is now the most percentage. Guess that makes me a liar seeing that weird is the new norm. :D


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