Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It feels so amazing to be typing and not texting.

I just applied for a new cellphone plan (Very MLIA). And I swear, since I have turned the thing on I have yet to not recieve a phone call or text message every five minutes. I should have never gave the number to anyone that wasn't direly important to me. Oh well, what's done is done.
On the flip side, my mother is out of surgery and has come home in hopes for a full four to six weeks. So here I am, at her house instead of my apartment, helping her take care of my two younger siblings and keeping the house cleaned and well fed. I feel like a house mom, and I don't like it. I mean I love children, but I hate being caught up in a house, it's not even the work that bothers me. I just feel lazy. But yesterday was amazing. I went with my grandmother to pick up my cousin from college, which is in the city. I find Baltimore city to be beautiful, yet ugly at the same time. I found myself sticking my arms out of the windows and taking pictures of everything that I found intresting. It made my cousin and Grandmother smile from how excited I was getting just by a car ride in the city. I wish you could have seen it, I was literally jumping in my seat with the biggest smile on my face. Made me feel like a kid again, ah, the guilty pleasures.
I have finished reading these two books, one a single serious and the other has a sequel I'm reading right now. The single series is called "Seduced by Magic," an amazing book of a witch who uses not dark or light, but gray magic. There were too many hard core vivid sex scenes to keep my comfort zone, but it was still an amazing book. The other mulit-series book is called "This witch for hire" wich is actually two books in one, as is the sequal, "For a few demons more." All three books were recomended by my good friend Amanda, and all of the books have caught my attention so well.
Anyway, I find myself having major headaches lately, and can't find a sence of peace in myself. I have no idea what's wrong. I don't know if it's the atmosphere in the house or my mind warning me of something. My father told me to start using Lavender soaps and purfumes to help relax myself. Guess I'll have to try it out. Better than spending millions more for someone to sit in a chair across the room from me and tell me I', clinically insane for not sleeping in three days straight, or always waking up in the middle of the night for no reason.
I can't really remember if I haven't up-dated you fully, It's been so long since I've posted fluently because I have not had access to the computer and don't feel like running my bill up on my cell to use the internet on it. So if I told you about something, but never finished it, please, do ask.
Keep on shinging until tomarrow.

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Leaving me a message? Hell can't wait to read it. :]