Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I had this dream a while back, but I never really got around to telling too many people.

It started out with me and my father racing motercycles on this resort island you could only get to by boat. When we finished our race we went to the main entrance of the resort, which was about a mile up from the shore. The waves were huge crashing down on the sand, coming up at heights almost higher than the building. I feel a hand on my shoulder to turn and see the owner of the resort smiling down at me as he says, "Don't worry, the waves never get big enough to even leave drops anywhere on the resort", and walked away. Turning my head back to the window a wave bigger than all the buildings put together came up and then crashed down, splashing small droplets of water on the window in front of my face. Freaking out, I ran to the back yard of the resort which held huge swimming pools, so big they held water ski's and boats and stuff. Next thing I know I'm tied to a boat and I'm about to go water ski'ing, my sister is in the water with me as she grabs my water mask and draggs me through the water. Lunging off of her I go black. The next thing I know I'm on the deck to get out of the pool with my back to the ocean as I faced the pool. suddenly I am splashed with water from behind, and I licked my lips to get it off my face. But the water was coppery, so I spit it back in my hand and as I looked at it someone screamed, "It's blood!" I turned to see my hand, and the deck was covered in blood. Looking to the sea bhind the resort main entrance I saw the boat that brought in the new comers. the stream of water behind it was soaked in blood and there were severed body parts floating in the ocean. I ran down the deck steps, feeling naucious as Mark came and held me up, screaming for me to tell him what was wrong. I pointed to the boat and he dropped me, running up the steps and grabbing the railing and screamed matt's name as he leaned forward, crying.

Alright, to explain the people in this dream I had. My father, left when I was eight. I rarely see him, and it's even rarer to talk to him on the phone. My sister and I just about hate each other, and It breaks my heart. Mark, is my Ex-boyfriend. We dated for two years and Matt was his cousin. Matt died 06-06-09. Freaky eh? Well I had this dream the night of his birthday, 12-12-09. I couldn't really tell anyone, I wanted to tell Mark because we were dating at the time, but it seemed like he may have not wanted to hear that with his death still being fresh in his mind. What I dont understand is that I knew Matt for three years, hung out with him a lot with Mark. But with my childhood friend, Max, who died, I never once had a dream or anything. But the reason I write this now, and this late, is because I had the dream again, though it ended differently.
Something to do with a murderer on the island and everyone had to go on a secret base below ground, which made most poeople drown.
The redundant thing is that Matt drowned. Matt was on a boat with my cousin by marriage Chris, their friend and chris' uncle and other cousin. Shit went down and Matt and the friend died. I only say shit went down is because I don't believe what Chris told us happened is true, seeing that it changes every time he tells the story. Not to mention the other boys body was found blue, as Matt's was found gray with bruises.
Fucked up shit. I can't sleep.
Someone save me.
Keep on shining until tomarrow.

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