Friday, March 5, 2010


Yup, that's me and my Ex Mark. That was one of the times we broke up...a few months after we did I stopped talking to him, even though we both wanted to still be friends. But none-the-less around tweleve at night I got a text from him saying he needed to talk to me. For two hours I tried to convince him to just text it to me or call, but he insisted it be in person despite my want to not see him. So what happened you ask? He showed up at my house three in the morning and we talked, which led to him crying and asking me to come back to him. For a few days we talked, and then wound up going back out. The day he asked me back out we were sitting on my pourch and right before we went in for our first kiss in a long time, my sister came out and snapped a picture.
Why do i bring this up? Cause I just had a dream about him. I took a nap while my little sister slept, cause I actually was tired. I woke up to her screaming, from this wild dream. Mark was the only one I regognized -or remember was even in the dream- and he was like a little puppy. At first he started out distant and un-caring, and then slowly eased his way back into constantly telling me how beautiful and how much he loved me like he used to do -a long time ago none-the-less-. He always had a smile on his face, granted it looked fake, it was still a smile. I don't really remember what we did, other than stealing cars and then making them beautiful just to have our two friends come over and leave state with us.
But anyway, my dreams are getting freakier and freakier. I seem to be better when I'm awake, but now it's starting to take a toll on my dreams -that, need I tell you I cherish very. Very. very, much- Maybe I should put on the baby lavender bedtime lotion my mother uses on the youngest, Faith.
Anyway, Faith keeps putting baby dolls in my lap so I'm going to go play a bit with her before I take Paige to school.
Keep on Shining Until tomorrow,
P.s. Oh, by the way, This is Matt, A.k.a., My little Matfrid. Mark is to the left, him to the right. This is them at their grandfathers funeral. They only wore their suits when they showed up, but their granddad left them his hats, so they wore it for him. I miss him....both of em actually.

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