Monday, March 8, 2010

The boy to the left is Matt, as the boy to the right is Josiah. I think I mentioned Josiah before...anyway I just hung out with Josiah yesterday. It was really fun, we watched movies and checked the anime network on Fios to see if there was an anime better than Dragon Ball. Aha. Yeah, I'm a loser, but it's okay cause I'm adorkable -as my closest friend Ali puts it-. Anyway, I just got a shit ton of new lavender soaps, shampoo's, contitioners and lotions. And the smell lasts on me longer than the usual three hours. But now, I radiate happiness. I have also noticed that recently I'm not as stressed though, the only problem is, is that now I have horrible joint pains in my hips, lower back and shoulders. But that could just be from sleeping on the couch at my mothers house and my lack of usual sleep.
I'm looking to go out and buy this movie called Zombie Land. If you haven't seen it and you love zombie movies as much as I do, go get it! It's fucking hilarious, I promise you that.

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