Thursday, March 4, 2010


So I started using Lavender lotions and shampoo's to hopefully try and relax myself. But at the same time I read that avoiding stuff like coffee and soda is also good for helping relax the nerves and mind. So back to green or peach tea it is. It also said something about taking Omega 3 pills will help too. Do any of you know anything that might help? Doctors told me I had anxiety, but then told me they didn't know what it was after the medicine they put me on didn't help but simply made things worse. I was shocked I even agreed to take the pills. I hate taking medicines. I would much rather smell the fresh air surrounding an oak tree to rid of a headache rather than take a tylenol. But I just wanted to stop feeling so bad all the time.
My Father showed up at my mothers house last night to visit her. I was in the middle of painting on a canvas to relieve anger, and he came in to see how my mother was doing. The kids were already asleep so I had time to go outside and have a conversation with him. It was awkward, but definatly much awaited. The day had started as shit. The paper my mother tried to get pressed against my step father was denied because we had no proof of his physical abuse. So despite the fact he has left bruises and marks on me in my many itmes of visiting my mothers house, the worse we can do is get a restrainging order for just me. So here she is, fresh out of surgery and incapible of lifting anything above five pounds, vaunerable to this fucking crack head they won't kick out of our house so she can move without him throwing a hissy fit and killing everyone. At least I'm here for a month, but I'm sure that won't do much. My strengths only get me so far, and his crazed drugged mind just might get him further...

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